
The instant invite is invalid or expired
The instant invite is invalid or expired

the instant invite is invalid or expired

Now that we have got your attention, we hope you will read on to know more about the attractive offers and promotions we have in store for you. Please note that AJIO reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of any of the promotions offered on the Platforms at any given time. However, if you wish to cancel or return your purchase, you will no longer be eligible for availing this offer again. You would be eligible for the First Purchase Coupon if and only if you are about to make your first-ever buy on the site. This will, of course, be subject to a sign-off from our QC team after inspecting the returned items.

the instant invite is invalid or expired

If you choose to return or cancel purchase of any product, the amount that would be refunded to you would be the final product price on your invoice that you may have received after availing all offer benefits.

the instant invite is invalid or expired

You could refer to your purchase invoice to know all the details around the final pricing. If you are buying more than one product, the benefit of the coupon discount would collectively apply on all your products, albeit taking into account the individual pricing of each product. For example, a product on 50% discount – after applying an extra 30% discount may result in total product discount of 60% only. What’s foremost to note is that the maximum amount you could get off on your choice of product depends on the site discount threshold or coupon threshold, which in turn could vary from 41% to 60% or higher or lower. You can refer to individual offer eligibilities on a product page, to choose what you like best.

the instant invite is invalid or expired

While every product we host on the site is something we would want to wear ourselves, not each of them is eligible for coupons, promotions or offers. With a plethora of attractive offers and promotions running on our site, it’s you we want, to be the winner all the way.

The instant invite is invalid or expired